Saturday, November 1, 2014

Graduation Ceremony 2014

2:41 PM Posted by Anonymous No comments
“Appreciate the culture here - the staff and the friends here. Take what you learn here and grow as you continue the journey,” said Kimberly Ong, an alumni from the pioneer batch, to the Class of 2014 at SST’s second Graduation Ceremony. The Secondary 4 Graduation Ceremony was held on Friday, 10th...

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Post-Examination Activities 2014

5:00 PM Posted by Anonymous No comments
Every year, the school organises a variety of year-end post examination learning activities for all students. This year 2014, Secondary 3 students were given a series of exciting activities to have fun with their friends after the stressful examinations. These activities include dragon boating, golf,...

Monday, October 27, 2014

Outdoor Education Expedition 2014

7:22 PM Posted by Anonymous No comments
From 16th October to 17th October and 20th October to 21st October, SST organized an outdoor expedition for all the Secondary 2 students. Secondary 2 classes were split into two large groups. Classes S201 to S205 went on the 16th October while classes S206 to S209 went on 20th October. The students...

Thursday, October 16, 2014

I&E Bazaar 2014

11:12 PM Posted by Anonymous No comments
On 9 October 2014, SST organized its I&E Bazaar that involved Secondary 1s (games station), Secondary 2s (food and drinks) and lastly Secondary 3s (DIY items/bookmarks/notebooks). The students would then buy from the various stalls, generating revenue and profits that would be donated to various charities and our class funds (50% respectively).For the Secondary 1s, they organized fun and exciting...

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Student Leaders' Investiture 2014

10:11 PM Posted by Anonymous No comments
On 11th July 2014, it was SST's third student leaders' investiture. This ceremony aims to give recognition to the new invested leaders in SST and officially welcome them into the leaders' boards. Parents of leaders and the SST Alumni were invited to attend the ceremony. Not only that, other...

Friday, August 1, 2014

SST Talent Showcase cum Inter-House Cosplay Challenge 2014

1:45 PM Posted by Anonymous No comments
On the fourth of July, students and teachers were gathered in the multi purpose hall for the SST Talent Showcase cum Inter-house Cosplay Event in celebration of the upcoming Youth Day. The SST Youth Day celebration was started of with a speech by our student emcees. Kicking off the Talent Showcase...

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

NTU Flagship Programme 2014

11:06 PM Posted by Anonymous No comments
On the 3rd June 2014, the Secondary Two students made a trip to NTU for the course of 3 days, without any overnight stay, unlike the previous cohorts did. There were lectures which they sat through but the most exciting part of it was the Applied Project Challenge, where students were given the chance...

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

SST Open House 2014

11:31 PM Posted by Anonymous No comments
SST Open House 2014 On the 30th of March, SST’s staff and students banded together to help create the grand event known as the SST Open House 2014. SST Open House 2014 is an important event in which parents of Primary School students and the young ladies and gentlemen themselves are invited to...

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Cyber Wellness Student Amabassador Programme (CWSAP) 2014

12:19 PM Posted by Anonymous 2 comments
Launched in 2009, the Cyber Wellness Student Ambassador Programme (CWSAP) is an initiative under BackPack LIVE!, a collaboration between the Ministry of Education (MOE), Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) and Microsoft Singapore to inspire, explore and promote safe and responsible use...