On the 2nd of February, Chinese New Year's Eve, SST celebrated her second CNY event. People were full of excitement. They were excited to come to school, to celebrate with their schoolmates.
There was much anticipation to what performances will be displayed. |
All the students were given two gold-oranges packed in a cheerful red SST bag
In 2011, SST also brought in some new activities for Chinese New Year. Of course we still had our yearly presentations on Chinese New Year and what that year's zodiac animal represented. |
CNY Presentation by NE Committee |
After that, we had something that most of us have not done together! Our very own class "Lo hei"!
Of course, we had to spend sometime cleaning up the place. But, moving right along.
Our Guitar Ensemble putting up a display of tranquility and peace in their tune! |
The Wushu Club performing a wide range of Martial Arts moves. Dazzling the crowd! |
Alpha Chua also put up some magnificent solo moves too.
Too the joy of the Media Club, an animation clip developed by them was displayed. It was a montage of the zodiac race.
SST students engrossed in the animation
We then had our closure to the "Best Decorated Class" Competition with the prize giving. Congratulations to all the winning classes!
Representative of a winning class proudly receiving the prize! |
Another prize giving event was also held to congratulate the winning entries for the Super Hero Bunny Drawing Contest.
1st place of the super Bunny Drawing Contest! |
Then, FINALLY, the moment we've all been waiting for...In every Chinese New year event, there is one thing that NO ONE would want to miss. The LION DANCE!
The Lion Duo taking SST by storm as they enter the stage! |
The Character showing some moves with one of our Wushu student's sword. |
The Chinese God of Fortune Shaking hands with the audience, "granting them good luck". |
Vice Principal of SST, Mr Max Lam, standing with the Lion Dance gang! |
After that exciting performance, SST had come to the end of the Chinese New Year event. As the school ended early, students rushed to join their friends to visit their previous schools, celebrate at different places or just go back home to spend time with family and relatives. It has been a very enjoyable Chinese New Year for the SST family. What will next year's Chinese New Year bring?
Below are videos of the performances:
Videos of performances by SST staff and students
Lion Dance performance by an external party
Written by: Hardy Shein
Videos by: Lee YuChong
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