With the start of the new year, SST students have one more thing to look forward to - a new campus. 3rd January 2012 marks the first day SST students will have their lessons in the new, permanent campus at 1 Technology Drive, and is also the day where we welcome new students and teachers to the SST family! Such important events have to be celebrated and that was exactly what the day was dedicated to.
The day started off with anxious students meeting their classmates for the first time, at the atrium at the morning. Then, the flag raising ceremony began, with a 600 strong student body singing the national anthem and saying the pledge with pride. Mr. Chua, the principal, then addressed the students and gave a welcome speech, encouraging the student body to work harder. Following which, the Peer Support Leaders(PSL) involved the students and taught them 2 cheers, entitled 'SST Cheer' and 'SST Dynamite'. It wasn't before long that it was time to go up to class, to get to better know our form teachers and for the Year 1 and 3s, our new classmates.
Students paying attention to the speech by Mr. Chua |
At 9, after class, the Year 1 students had their mass cheer session in the field, where they spent a good 50 minutes cheering and playing games with their fellow PSLs. The Year 2 and 3 students were not going to let the Year 1 students have all the fun! During the mass cheer session, the Year 2 and 3 students had their recess, where they spent time bonding with their new classmates. Before long, it was time to gather in the hall for the Formal Ceremonial Celebration.
Mass Cheer session |
The Formal Ceremonial Celebration could very well be said to be the most exciting event of the day. Firstly, the Guest of Honor for this event is Mrs. Edelweiss Neo, the West Cluster Superintendent, arrived, and gave a speech, about our school's outstanding achievements and our unique education system. Formalities aside, the celebrations began.
Mr. Chua leading the GOH to the hall |
SST Staff watching the ceremony attentively |
A photo montage was shown of a compilation of photos from the temporary campus, relieving the memories of the campus in everyone's minds. Following which, a long anticipated event, was going to happen. SST's school flag was unveiled! At that very moment, S2-09 of year 2011 performed a cheer, with S2-02 of year 2011 going afterwards. The end of the cheers marked the end of the Formal Ceremonial Celebrations.
SST School Flag |
Students enjoying the ceremonial items |
While everyone were enjoying the celebrations, another event was taking place in the school. In the indoor sports hall, food was being packed by the Service Learning Co-ordinators. The food was collected during the December holidays by student volunteers, and packed for 'Food for the Heart'. We, as students, should always remember to give back to the community and the drive is a great way for doing so.
SL Co-ordinators packing the food |
Overall, the first day of school at SST has been a meaningful one, with events ranging from the celebration of our school to giving back to the community. 3 January 2012 is a day to be remembered by all students, teachers and staff of SST. Kudos to people who put in tremendous effort to make the event possible!
Written by
Lee YuChong
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