Sunday, October 20, 2013

Farewell Ceremony 2013

6:08 PM Posted by Lam Jiajun No comments
On 11th of October 2013, the SST community said farewell to its very first batch of Secondary 4 students. The Farewell Assembly was held as it was the last school day for the Sec 4s, and also to wish them all the best for their upcoming O-Levels, then only a mere 1 week...

Friday, October 18, 2013

I&E Bazaar 2013

11:12 PM Posted by lois No comments
On 17 of October 2013, SST held its annual I&E Bazaar. The I&E Bazaar is an event whereby the lower secondary level sets up various booths selling items ranging from food and snacks to goods and xbox games to put what they have learnt from the I&E lessons to use. Students learnt how to...

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

SST Open House 2013

2:48 PM Posted by Genevieve No comments
On 1st June 2013, SST held its 5th Open House. There were various booths, stations and activities set up for both the parents and the students to enjoy and participate actively in.  This year, parents and students had to go around the different booths and stations to collect stamps to redeem certain prizes such as USB Hubs, thumb-drives and water bottles while stock last. There are three...

Thursday, May 30, 2013

4th Annual Track and Field Meet.

11:47 PM Posted by Genevieve No comments
On the 23rd of May 2013, SST held its 4th Annual Track and Field Meet at Clementi Stadium. It was  a day for students to participate in the remaining races to boost their house points, get the medals they have previously won and to cheer on their house members as they participate in the races.  At the start of the day, students started to flow into the stadium to get ready for their...

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Student Congress 2013

12:10 AM Posted by Abu Ubaidah No comments
On 22 May 2013, SST held it’s very first Student Congress. This event is to allow studentsto share their positive experiences and memories with their class, with the help of the Student Council (SC), Peer Support Board (PSB), Class Chairpersons, Junior Student Council (JSC) and Junior Peer Support Board (JPSB), who helped in planning this entire event and were also the facilitators to each class in...

Monday, April 22, 2013

SST's Official Opening Ceremony

9:54 PM Posted by Genevieve No comments
On the 13th of April, SST held its Official Opening. This day marked an important milestone in SST’s history. On this day, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam attended the ceremony along side a few other distinguished guests such as Prof Su Guaning, SST's Chairman...

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Celebrations @ SST 2013

8:00 PM Posted by Genevieve No comments
 On the 15th of March 2013, SST held its third Celebrations @ SST. This day marks an important day to SST students as it is a time where they get awards for their academic achievements, holistic achievements and so on. On this day, SST comes together as a school community to celebrate the growth...

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Chinese New Year Celebrations 2013

12:13 PM Posted by Teo Ji Hao No comments
On the 8th of February, 2013, students from all four levels reported to school in their usual outfits, but with a totally different mood about them. It was to be the first time that the school celebrated the occasion with all pupils from Secondary 1 to Secondary 4. Everyone was excited about the performance later in the day and were chatting merrily about it in anticipation. The students had lessons...

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The SST Heartbeat

7:42 PM Posted by Abu Ubaidah No comments
The second of January 2013 marked a significant milestone in SST’s history. We were finally a full school consisting of four different batches. To start off the year with a bang, SST invited an external percussion company, InRhythm, to our spanking new campus. 800 students waited in the Indoor Sports Hall, feeling a mixture of excitement and uneasiness. After a brief introduction by InRhythm, the teachers...