Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Secondary 1 registration day

7:56 PM Posted by Cherin No comments
26 November 2010 must definitely be a memorable day for the Primary 6s who have a confirmed offer to SST. They get to see the new textbooks, the uniform, their learning device (Macbook) and of course, who are their pioneers. Their parents were eagerly anxious to see how their child can prepare for their child’s first day of school.
Unlike the previous major events, the PSLs (Peer Support Leader) were the only students helping out in this event. Some of them were helping to welcome the parents & students, others were answering common queries of the parents, the rest were registering the P6s or doing some logistics work.

Registration at the Cafeteria

From 7.30am onwards, the crowd started streaming in and more and more people filled the once quiet SST campus. Everybody had the smile on their faces as they greeted the parents & students. Once they had registered, they received a folder with important information on payments ad what they needed to buy. There was a few talks by the Principal and a few of the teachers in the hall.

Principal Talk by Mr Chua Chor Huat

CCA Talk by Mr Lam Hin Chew

After the talks, there were booths set up to let the parents know different things about SST. Such as PforSST (Parents for SST), Q&A booths on financial matters, Mother Tongue Languages and CCAs. They were also booths that sell books, uniforms and the learning devices, which had long queues.

P for SST booth

Purchase of learning device

Though it was incredibly busy day for all the helpers, it was a rewarding one too. They got to see how their juniors were like and set the atmosphere when the P6s students come back again next year, as Secondary 1s. The next time we see them again, will be on the first day of school.

Photos and edited by Ms Seah Yen Sin


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