Wednesday, June 25, 2014

NTU Flagship Programme 2014

11:06 PM Posted by Anonymous No comments
On the 3rd June 2014, the Secondary Two students made a trip to NTU for the course of 3 days, without any overnight stay, unlike the previous cohorts did. There were lectures which they sat through but the most exciting part of it was the Applied Project Challenge, where students were given the chance...

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

SST Open House 2014

11:31 PM Posted by Anonymous No comments
SST Open House 2014 On the 30th of March, SST’s staff and students banded together to help create the grand event known as the SST Open House 2014. SST Open House 2014 is an important event in which parents of Primary School students and the young ladies and gentlemen themselves are invited to...

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Cyber Wellness Student Amabassador Programme (CWSAP) 2014

12:19 PM Posted by Anonymous 2 comments
Launched in 2009, the Cyber Wellness Student Ambassador Programme (CWSAP) is an initiative under BackPack LIVE!, a collaboration between the Ministry of Education (MOE), Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) and Microsoft Singapore to inspire, explore and promote safe and responsible use...

Friday, June 20, 2014

Mid-year Post-Exam Activities 2014

8:03 PM Posted by Anonymous No comments
On the 26th May, the post-exam activities for the Secondary 1 and 2 students commenced. It lasted for one week and was enriching for the students to reduce their stress and at the same time, learn something new. Firstly, for the secondary ones, they had a service learning camp and a chance to program a game via Game Salad. For the service learning, the Secondary 1 students went to nursing homes...