Sunday, October 20, 2013

Farewell Ceremony 2013

6:08 PM Posted by Lam Jiajun No comments
On 11th of October 2013, the SST community said farewell to its very first batch of Secondary 4 students. The Farewell Assembly was held as it was the last school day for the Sec 4s, and also to wish them all the best for their upcoming O-Levels, then only a mere 1 week...

Friday, October 18, 2013

I&E Bazaar 2013

11:12 PM Posted by lois No comments
On 17 of October 2013, SST held its annual I&E Bazaar. The I&E Bazaar is an event whereby the lower secondary level sets up various booths selling items ranging from food and snacks to goods and xbox games to put what they have learnt from the I&E lessons to use. Students learnt how to...