Tuesday, June 25, 2013

SST Open House 2013

2:48 PM Posted by Genevieve No comments
On 1st June 2013, SST held its 5th Open House. There were various booths, stations and activities set up for both the parents and the students to enjoy and participate actively in. 

This year, parents and students had to go around the different booths and stations to collect stamps to redeem certain prizes such as USB Hubs, thumb-drives and water bottles while stock last. There are three different tiers of activities that they can redeem their stamps from. The three different tiers are SEE, SEEK and TRANSFORM where the first letters of each word forms ‘SST’. The different activities in the Open House are catergorised under these three tiers for the visitors to redeem the stamps. There was also a Popcorn and Cotton Candy booth for parents and students to enjoy. 

In the Atrium were where most of the CCA booths were located at. Some CCAs such as Drama had their booth in the canteen. CCA booths were one of the ways to earn a stamp for prize redemption. Different CCA booths had different activities that they would want the student to do to earn a stamp under the “SEE” category. Also under the “SEE” category, there were the PforSST booth, student projects where students can have a better insight on what SST students have researched on as well as subjects booths. For the ‘SEEK’ tier, visitors can participate in activities like the Handson Session in the Science Laboratories, Principal and Vice-Principal’s talk, Student Panel and the completion of the Feedback form. Last but not least, the ‘TRANSFORM’ tier stamp can be redeemed at the DSA booth when the students register for an account for DSA. The redemption booth and the general enquiry booth were also at the Atrium.

Outside the ICT area, a booth was set up for students to redeem a goodie bag, which contains the redemption form and for them to register. Student Tour Guides were also carrying iPads to enable mobile registration to make things move a lot smoother. The Student Tour Guides will bring the visitors on to a tour around the school, for them to better how the facilities of SST 
Every subject had their very own booth to explain to the future students of SST what they learn in school, what they do in the curriculum and some of the Student’s work.

Also, there Handson Sessions in the Science laboratories that allows students and parents to be engaged and experience the unique teaching and learning style that SST adopts. The three different fields of science are Physics, Biology and Chemistry. Each of these science disciplines have designed a few activities to get the students interested and understand how SST instill learning in SST students.Applied subjects such as Biotechnology and Fundamentals of Electronics also set up booths in the Science laboratories for the students to have a insight on what will a applied subject in SST offer with activities like the DNA double helix model making. 

In the Info Hub, there was a total of 3 Student Panel sessions and on the 5th level of the Info Hub was the DSA Booth, where students would register themselves to take the DSA test. The Student Panel serves as a platform where visitors can sit in the session and personally hear the students summarise their experience here in SST and also ask questions. The visitors can hear and better understand the school from the students’ own perspective of the SST apart from the coperate image. 

The visitors can head towards the auditorium for the PVP talk (Principal and Vice-Principal’s talk) where the visitors can interact with the P and VP and learn more about SST. The visitors can visit the DSA booth where they can enquire more about the application process to SST. At the DSA booth, there are several student helpers to answer the parents and students’ questions and explain to them the whole DSA process. The P6 students can register for a SST DSA account at the booth, under the guidance of the student helpers. Visitors visiting the DSA booths are entitled to a ‘TRANSFORM’ stamp on the redemption form. 

Written by: Mavis and Genevieve