Thursday, October 28, 2010

Post-Exam Activities (Sports Chanbara and Archery)

2:05 PM Posted by Reuven Lim No comments
This is the second day of post-activities. 5 classes were taking Archery and Sports Chanbara. 101, 102 and half of 103 was in the first group. The other half, with 104 and 105 formed another group. I was in the second group, and we had Sports Chanbara first.Sports Chanbara, or swordplay in Japanese,...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Perfume Making Workshop @ Science Centre

10:13 PM Posted by Goh Jia Sheng 吴佳声 , No comments
This is the end product of Christopher's and he is very happy about it.Filling the solvent into the perfume.Dropping a few droplets of the different scent of oil or perfumes.Shakti was smelling the ester.The substance used to make the ester that Shakti smells.The lime shredding of the skin and where...

Post-Exam Activities (Cheer Leading Workshop)

8:10 PM Posted by JieMin , No comments
The end-of-year exams are over, and SST has organised facilitators for our cheerleading workshop. Initially, the facilitators introduced themselves and shared some jokes. We did some warm-up exercises shortly after. A student from each class was to be carried from one end to another, supported by the classes' hands, which in this case was me, as I seemed to be light. It felt very awkward, being lifted...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Day @ SST

9:09 PM Posted by Lee YuChong No comments
The day had come! We were finally going to meet our potential juniors for 2011 in SST. We now have the chance to see who we would be sharing the knowledge we have with next year. This was the day when our juniors would get a feel of how we work, learn and collaborate as if they were already a part of the SST family. They will experience how it’s like being a student of the School of Science and...

Pictures of A Day @ SST

9:00 PM Posted by Lee YuChong No comments
Selected photos:Session 1:Students and Parents registering for the eventStudents and parents registering for the eventStudent and Parent figuring out which venue to go toSST student reporters going around doing their live feed to the parents at the learning Oasis and ADMT Room 1 sharing with the parents...