Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hanoi Write-up

4:47 PM Posted by JieMin , No comments
Day 1I was exhilarated when we finally landed in Hanoi.We first visited Hanoi Amsterdam High School, the best school in Hanoi. We saw the grand-looking school and were amazed by the various facilities it provides. We then interacted with the students and found out that we had many common interests.Next, we had yummy dinner in the hotel.Finally, we went to watch the Water Puppet Show. We admired the...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

GCP Hà Nội 2010 Pictures

7:21 PM Posted by Reuven Lim , No comments
Here are some pictures of the GCP Hanoi trip I had taken, from 9-12 December. Many other members of the contingent have recorded or photographed something to bring home, many of them are on Facebook or storage devic...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Humanities Mobile Learning (Botanical Gardens)

8:21 PM Posted by Reuven Lim , No comments
Today, our school organised Mobile Learning field trips for every class in school. As my class, 104, and 106, had already gone for a previous Mobile Learning trip, we were going to the Botanical Gardens, while the other classes were going to locations we had visited before.After a short briefing at...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Service-Learning Workshop (Nov)

4:00 PM Posted by Cherin No comments
On 9 & 10 November, the groups that went to Beijing and Shunde in May 2010 finally have a chance to experience something what the rest of their peers experienced while they were overseas--the Service Learning Workshop! However, it is not exactly what their peers have experienced, it is something...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Digipen Workshop, 30th October 2010

11:31 PM Posted by Hardy No comments
On the 30th October 2010, the students attended the Digipen Workshops. We had an experience on making games. Our facilitators led us on making some simple games too.The students listening to the lessonFacilitator preparing lesson projects and demonstrations Facilitators explaining concepts of developing...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Post-Exam Activities (Sports Chanbara and Archery)

2:05 PM Posted by Reuven Lim No comments
This is the second day of post-activities. 5 classes were taking Archery and Sports Chanbara. 101, 102 and half of 103 was in the first group. The other half, with 104 and 105 formed another group. I was in the second group, and we had Sports Chanbara first.Sports Chanbara, or swordplay in Japanese,...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Perfume Making Workshop @ Science Centre

10:13 PM Posted by Goh Jia Sheng 吴佳声 , No comments
This is the end product of Christopher's and he is very happy about it.Filling the solvent into the perfume.Dropping a few droplets of the different scent of oil or perfumes.Shakti was smelling the ester.The substance used to make the ester that Shakti smells.The lime shredding of the skin and where...